Sunday, January 28, 2007

A little old school

Just put finishing thoughts on what I'm doing this week, starting Monday. How did I do it? Well first I took out my planning sheets (1) which I carry around with in my briefcase. They are a productivity tool that allows me to save and easily retrieve data to show an overview of the unit I'm currently working on. It usually begins as a few rough details (note the sparse squares to the right) and eventually becomes day-to-day lessons. I have found that the best recording device to use is a pencil (2) - in this case one swiped from my daughter's desk. It wasn't fully functional when I grabbed it, so I needed to use a plug-in device to sharpen the point. Finally, I'm able to store all my planning sheets, as well as any files I choose to attach to them, inside my binder (3). The binder can be closed to hold everything efficiently together.

Eventually I'm able to link this work to another handy tool, especially my English 10 at BHS. My 10th graders are going to read several non-fiction articles about juvenile crime and using them as a resource to write a persuasive letter on the topic.

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